Keynote Speakers

Jorge Umbelino
Communication title: "Sustainability: from good environmental practices to corporate social responsibility and risk management"
Jorge UMBELINO is a Geographer, MSc, PhD and “Agregado” in Geography and Territorial Planning. He is a Full Professor at ESHTE, Portugal, and a researcher at CiTUR and CEG/ULisboa-IGOT. His current scientific interests are tourism, tourism planning and accessible tourism. He has presented over 100 oral communications at scientific and professional meetings and publishes regularly. Jorge has played academic roles, including National Director of CiTUR and Chairman of the Technical-Scientific Council of ESHTE. Outside the academy, he was President of the Institute for Tourism Training, a Member of the Board of the National Authority for Tourism and Deputy Director for Tourism.

José Ramón Saura Lacárcel
Communication title: "From Data to Destinations: Managing Artificial Intelligence's Transformation"
Jose Ramon Saura is an Associated Professor (Tenured) of Data Analytics and Digital Marketing in the Business Economics Department at Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC), Madrid (Spain). Earlier in his career, he held positions and provided consultancy services to several prominent companies, including Google, L'Oréal, Deloitte, Telefónica, and MRM//McCann, among others. He has taught and undertaken research stays at over 28 universities worldwide. Notable affiliations include the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and the Institute of Public Administration at the University of Leiden, Harvard University. His contributions have been published in premier international journals in the fields of business, management, economics, marketing, and information sciences.